Mundtlige præsentationer | År |
Mogens Grønvold. Inviteret foredrag: National Palliativ Database i Danmark. 4th International Trondheim Conference on Palliative Care, Trondheim, Norge. | 2009 |
Mogens Grønvold. Inviteret foredrag. Dansk Palliativ Database og status for forskning i palliativ indsats. Ved National konference (arrangeret af PAVI): Palliation i Danmark – status og visioner. Christiansborg, København | 2010 |
Grønvold M. Dansk Palliativ Database. 1. årsdag i DMCG-PAL, Vejle | 2011 |
Mogens Grønvold. Inviteret foredrag. The Danish Palliative Care database: Research perspectives. Ved 1st International Seminar of the European Palliative Care Research Centre and the EAPC Research Network, Copenhagen | 2011 |
Mogens Grønvold. Inviteret foredrag. Etablering af en ny database: Dansk Palliativ Database. Ved temamødet ’Danske sundhedsregistre og kliniske kvalitetsdatabaser - Etablering og vedligeholdelse’ arrangeret af Det Europæiske Center for Registerforskning (ECREPH) ved Statens Institut for Folkesundhed (SIF) og Danmarks Statistik (DST), København | 2011 |
Grønvold M. Dansk Palliativ Database. 2. årsdag i DMCG-PAL, Vejle | 2012 |
Groenvold M. Improving palliative care in Denmark through the establishment of a national multidisciplinary organisation. Inviteret foredrag: European Parliament Week for Life March 2012 Palliative care in the context of Europe against Cancer. European Parliament, Bruxelles | 2012 |
Grønvold M. En ny landsdækkende database: Dansk Palliativ Database. Inviteret foredrag ved Region Hovedstadens Kvalitetsdag. København | 2012 |
Mathilde Adsersen. “Age and region were strongly related to admittance among patients referred to specialized palliative care in Denmark”. Til EAPC (European Association for Palliative Care)- konferencen i Juni 2012 i Trondheim. | 2012 |
Grønvold M. Status for Dansk Palliativ Database. 3.årsdag i DMCG-PAL, Vejle | 2013 |
Grønvold M. Examples of multidisciplinary care from cancer and palliative care. Invited lecture in the Opening Plenary Session, Multidisciplinarity and Organisation of Care, ved 23rd Conference of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA), EWMA 2013, København, 15.05.13. EWMA Journal 2013: 13 (Suppl 1); 22. | 2013 |
Grønvold M. Hvordan kan DMCG-PAL arbejdet med kliniske retningslinjer, uddannelse og Dansk Palliativ Database bidrage til den gode død? Workshop afholdt to gange ved 7.Nationale Kongres, Foreningen for Palliativ Indsats, Fredericia | 2013 |
Grønvold M. Udviklingstendenser i den palliative indsats. Inviteret foredrag ved 7.Landskursus for Fagligt Selskab for Palliationssygeplejersker, Middelfart | 2013 |
Grønvold M. Opdatering om DMCG-PAL og Dansk Palliativ Database. Dansk Selskab for Palliativ Medicins Årsmøde, Middelfart | 2013 |
Grønvold M. Opdatering om DMCG-PAL og Dansk Palliativ Database. Dansk Selskab for Palliativ Medicins Årsmøde, Middelfart | 2014 |
Grønvold M, Hansen MB. Status for Dansk Palliativ Database (DPD). DMCG-PAL’s Årsmøde | 2014 |
Grønvold M. Opdatering om DMCG-PAL og Dansk Palliativ Database. Dansk Selskab for Palliativ Medicins Årsmøde, Middelfart | 2015 |
Adsersen M, Grønvold M, Hansen MB. Status for Dansk Palliativ Database (DPD). DMCG-PAL’s Årsmøde | 2015 |
Grønvold M. Om Dansk Palliativ Database Årsrapport 2014. Sundhedsfagligt Råd for Palliativ Behandling | 2015 |
Grønvold M, Hansen MB. Forbedringsprojektet og Dansk Palliativ Database (DPD). DMCG-PAL’s Årsmøde | 2016 |
Nylandsted LR, Petersen MA, Neergaard MA, Grønvold M. Survey: End of life care evalueret af efterladte pårørende. DMCG-PAL’s Årsmøde | 2016 |
Grønvold M. Lærings- og kvalitetsteam for specialiseret palliativ indsats: Koblingen til Dansk Palliativ Database (DPD). Seminar for lederne af den specialiserede palliative indsats i Danmark. Kolding | 2016 |
Grønvold M. Dansk Palliativ Database. Nationalt møde for de pædiatriske palliative teams. København | 2016 |
Grønvold M. Tidlig specialiseret palliativ indsats - internationale anbefalinger og dansk virkelighed – og hvor står DMCGPAL? DMCG-PAL’s årsmøde | 2017 |
Grønvold M. Implementering af et opfølgende EORTC 2 skema i Dansk Palliativ Database. DMCG-PAL’s årsmøde | 2017 |
Grønvold M. Forskning og dokumentation: Dansk Palliativ Database og Lærings- og Kvalitetsteam Palliation. Oplæg ved studiebesøg af norsk delegation som led i Norges Offentlige Udredninger i Sundhedsministeriet. København | 2017 |
Adsersen M, Thygesen LC, Groenvold M. Social Inequalities in Admission to Specialist Palliative Care. A Nationwide Study from the Danish Palliative Care Database. Vinder af abstract-konkurrencen som en af de 3 bedste ud af > 1,100 abstracts. 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Madrid, 18.-20.maj 2017. European Journal of Palliative Care 2017: 16. | 2017 |
Hansen MB, Ross L, Petersen MA, Groenvold M (holdt foredrag). Do different subgroups of patients starting specialized palliative care have the same levels of symptoms and problems? A nationwide study of 21,234 Danish cancer patients. 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Madrid, 18.-20.maj 2017. European Journal of Palliative Care 2017: 157. | 2017 |
Adsersen, M. (2018). Which cancer patients are admitted to specialised palliative care? Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital. | 2018 |
Grønvold M. PRO i relation til det specialiserede palliative felt – hvad er udfordringen? Oplæg for Advisory Board, REHPA (Videncenter for Rehabilitering og Palliation). Nyborg | 2018 |
Adsersen M. High admittance to palliative care team and low admittance to hospice for immigrants from non-Western countries. A nation-wide register-based study of patients with cancer. Lassendagen | 2018 |
Hansen MB, Association Between Quality of Life (QOL) and Survival Time in 28,264 Danish Cancer Patients. Data from the Danish Palliative Care Database. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Berlin, 23-25 maj 2019. European Journal of Palliative Care 2019. | 2019 |
Adsersen M, High Admittance to Palliative Care Team and Low Admittance to Hospice for Immigrants from Non-Western Countries. A Nationwide Register-based Study of Patients with Cancer. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Berlin, 23-25 maj 2019. European Journal of Palliative Care 2019. | 2019 |
Adsersen M. Får immigranter i Danmark specialiseret palliativ indsats? Danske kræftforskningsdage 2019, Odense. Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2019 | 2019 |
Hansen MB. Symptomer og problemer blandt kræftpatienter ved start af specialiseret palliativ indsats. Dansk Selskab for Palliativ Medicins Årsmøde, Middelfart | 2020 |
Poster præsentationer | År |
Poster præsenteret på EAPC (European Association for Palliative Care) konference i Glasgow | 2010 |
Groenvold M, Hansen KH, Damkier A, Petri AL, Kotasek B, Justesen K, Pedersen L, Neergaard MA, Rasmussen M. Access to specialised palliative care varied strongly among patients dying from cancer in Denmark. 7th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, June 2012. Palliative Medicine 2012: 26; 510. | 2012 |
Groenvold M, Hansen MB, Clausen LM, Damkier A, Feveile T, Kotasek B, Larsen HB, Olsen A-M, Pedersen L, Simonsen D, Tingrupp H, Rasmussen M, Danish Palliative Care Database. Successful Implementation of a National Research and Quality Assurance Database: The Danish Palliative Care Database (DPD). 13th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, EAPC 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 May – 2 June 2013. European Journal of Palliative Care: Abstracts 2013; 88. | 2013 |
Adsersen M, Thygesen LC, Sjogren P, Neergaard MA, Jensen AB, Damkier A, Groenvold M. Inequality in Admittance to Specialised Palliative Care (SPC) of Referred Cancer Patients? A Study from the Danish Palliative Care Database (DPD). 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), København, 8.-10.maj 2015. European Journal of Palliative Care 2015: 241. | 2015 |
Adsersen M, Thygesen LC, Neergaard MA, Sjogren P, Jensen AB, Groenvold M. Is Cancer Patients’ Admittance to Specialised Palliative Care Related to Sex, Age and Cancer Diagnosis? A Study from the Danish Palliative Care Database (DPD). 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), København, 8.-10.maj 2015. European Journal of Palliative Care 2015: 248. | 2015 |
Hansen MB, Petersen MA, Nylandsted LR, Groenvold M. Are Quality of Life Scores Biased in Units with Low Response Rates? Data from the Danish Palliative Database. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), København, 8.-10.maj 2015. European Journal of Palliative Care 2015: 141. | 2015 |
Hansen MB, Groenvold M, Ross L, Petersen MA. Age, gender and cancer site specific HRQoL at the start of specialized palliative care - a nationwide study of 12,288 Danish cancer patients. 23rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL), København, 19-22.oktober 2016. Quality of Life Research 2016: 25 (Suppl 1); 158-9. | 2016 |
Benthien KS, Adsersen M, Vadstrup ES, Aagaard M, Sjogren P, Groenvold M. Is specialised palliative care associated with use of chemotherapy at the end of life in patients with cancer? – A population based cohort study. 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Madrid, 18.-20.maj 2017. European Journal of Palliative Care 2017: 948. | 2017 |
Hansen MB, Ross L, Petersen MA, Groenvold M. Age, gender and cancer site specific HRQOL at the start of specialized palliative care - a nationwide study of 21,234 Danish cancer patients. Danske kræftforskningsdage 2018, Odense, 30-31. August 2018. Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2018: #83. | 2018 |
Adsersen M, Thygesen LC, Neergaard MA, Sjøgren P, Groenvold M. Indkomst og uddannelsesniveau har betydning for kræftpatienters adgang til specialiseret palliativ indsats i Danmark. Danske kræftforskningsdage 2018, Odense, 30-31. August 2018. Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2018: #82. | 2018 |
Hansen MB, Petersen MA1, Ross L, Adsersen M, Rojas-Concha, Groenvold M. Association between quality of life (QOL) and survival time in 28,264 Danish cancer patients. København, Lassendagen, Abstraktbog, 7. december 2018: A104 | 2018 |
Adsersen M, Thygesen LC, Kristiansen M, Hansen MB, Neergaard MA, Petersen MA, Groenvold M. High admittance to palliative care team and low admittance to hospice for immigrants from non-Western countries. A nation-wide registerbased study of patients with cancer. København, Lassendagen, Abstraktbog, 7. december 2018: A104 | 2018 |
Rojas-Concha L. Hansen M.B., Petersen M.A., Groenvold M. Which Symptoms and Problems Do Cancer Patients Admitted to Specialized Palliative Care Report in Addition to Those Included in the EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL? Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Berlin, 23-25 maj 2019. European Journal of Palliative Care 2019, P02-139 | 2019 |